Healthcare Mindset Training Program

Based on a project launched in Italy in June, 2019, by Robert Dilts and Emanuela Mazza, to apply the Success Factor Modeling™ methodology to the study of the healthcare ecosystem in order to identify, understand and apply the success factors that promote effective healthcare. Robert and Emanuela identified key features of Mindset which determine the basis for providing effective healthcare.
According to Robert and Emanuela:
Our study demonstrates convincingly that excellence and innovation in healthcare is a direct result of key qualities of mindset and skills shared by the people who are involved. Mindset is like the software applications that drive your laptop, tablet or smart phone. If you want better results from your device, you have to update the apps. Our training program provides a "software upgrade" for the field of healthcare in order to take it to a new level of performance.
Many of the key factors that we have identified involve placing the patient at the center of healthcare activities and recognizing the importance of the ability for connection and communication between the health professionals involved.
As result of their in-depth study, Robert and Emanuela have developed a Mindset Training program whose purpose is to provide to health professionals new tools for:
➢ Achieving a higher level of awareness
➢ Communicating in a more effective way
➢ Knowing, recognizing and managing emotions
➢ Self-motivation and motivating others
➢ Effectively overcoming present and future challenges
The program consists of five modules which may be taken individually or as a full certification program.
Module 1: Connection - Achieving Communication Excellence
Dates: January 24 and 25, 2023
Module 2: Compassion - Deepening Emotional Intelligence
Dates: February 21 and 22, 2023
Module 3: Catalysis - Developing Expert Problem Solving Skills
Dates: April 11 and 12, 2023
Module 4: Competence - Applying the Power of Self-Awareness
Dates: May 9 and 10, 2023
Module 5: Contribution - Activating the Magic of Interpersonal Skills
Dates: June 6 and 7, 2023
SFM for Healthcare Trainers Training
Dates: June 19 and 20, 2023
Online Presentation Skills Tutorial
Dates: Self-Paced
All modules except for the online tutorial take place
from 5:00 PM (17:00) to 9:00 PM (21:00) European Time
Registration for Individual Modules: $530.00 USD (approx. € 533,00) Each
Registration for First 5 Modules: $2,350.00 USD (approx. € 2.361,00)
Online Tutorial: $750 USD (approx. € 754,00)