Logical Levels InventoryLogical Levels Inventory

A 15 Year Old Overnight Sensation

By Hilary Barnett and Phil Manington

During our first ever Success Factor Modelling workshop in London, back in 2005, a seed of an idea was planted: to create a profiling tool which could unlock the logical levels model for individuals, enabling deep and lasting change.

Over the years, with generous encouragement and sponsorship from Robert and John Dilts, that seed has now grown, and at last we have launched Logical Levels Inventory, lli – a unique and powerful online profiling tool, which helps uncover the unconscious patterns that drive behaviour.

Supported by an Accredited lli Coach, individuals, leaders, teams and organisations can gain insight into why they do what they do, and most importantly, how they can create real and sustainable change - for good.

Logical Levels Inventory

“The power of lli is that it unlocks real learning and deep movement in areas I didn’t expect to go into. I simply wasn’t expecting the magnitude.”
     - Sarah, Accredited lli Coach

lli doesn’t create static profiles, types or labels, but rather generates rich content and laser sharp insight which enables deep, transformational conversations, getting to the heart of issues quickly and effortlessly.

“There was a lightness of touch, a flow with lovely moments of insights followed by deep reflections.”
     - Sally, Accredited lli Coach

According to Robert Dilts:

lli is the first profiling tool of its kind, unlocking the power of the Logical Levels model. As far as I know - and I've been working all around the world with many major organisations - there is no other tool in existence right now that does what lli does.”

Put simply, lli helps people and teams be the best they can be.

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of adding this powerful new resource to your professional coaching portfolio as an Accredited lli Coach, please drop an email to hilary@logicallevels.co.uk or visit www.logicallevels.co.uk or follow us on LinkedIn.

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