The PERICEO Project

SFM for Healthcare

Project History

The PERICEO Project was launched in the fall of 2013, following the modeling exercises of the synergy phenomena proposed in Robert Dilts' Collective Intelligence training. The goal was to take stock of the latest trends and ideas used by teams and organizations to foster synergy and increase Collective Intelligence in order to address challenges and exploit opportunities in the current global economic context.

A number of teams and companies were chosen based on their reputation, innovative operation and leadership to participate in modeling interviews. A structured process and interview methodology were developed to enable facilitators from the Collective Intelligence training to carry out their work with overall consistency. The interviews were then compiled and a number of convergences were extracted to form the basis of a structured model which was then refined to produce a Collective Intelligence perception tool.

The Book

The end result of the project was a book describing the model which provides a checklist and an analysis tool with multiple applications. Also included are:


• The testimony of the authors regarding this collaborative adventure, with its different stages, difficulties and successes. The same methodology can be used to model any area of excellence.
• An experiential description of a process that has already proven its validity: the "Disney" or "Imagineering" process which, for the teams that use it, transforms and facilitates the implementation and effectiveness of any project in surprising ways.
• Fundamentals and disciplines necessary to foster the process of generative collaboration and to facilitate the emergence of Collective Intelligence.

The Online Tool

The authors have also developed on online tool which permits teams and organizations to assess their level of Collective Intelligence based on the findings of the PERICEO Project. Try out a demonstration of the tool here:

PERICEO Spiral Logo PERICEO Tool Demonstration

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